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Movement Network South West

Movement Network South West was established in 2022 with the common aim of creating a home for movement ecology practice that lives and holds a presence within the South West of England community.

The network promotes professional movement research, performance and training opportunities in the area growing from a ground-up design and linking with creative ecology projects. Anna is a founding director.

For more information:




Interdisciplinary Monthly Creative Ecology Dialogues

Held within the Movement Network South West frame and working in collaboration with Dr Rachel Sweeney WEAVE invites sustainably focused practitioners to join to join in exchange and dialogue around ways in which movement intersects with other forms of ecological practice and research.


WEAVE exchanges are based on a generosity and curiosity around how movement based thinking and somatic training can both inform and corrupt disciplinary boundaries.

As an energetic model WEAVE moves between making and conversation and is grounded in practical and purposeful activity.


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